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Kanye West Embarks on a New Venture: Launches 'YEWS' News Platform and Teases Rapid Music Creation Pace

Kanye West
Kanye West | Ai

Kanye West, also known as Ye, has been active with several new ventures and music developments. Recently, he launched a news platform named 'YEWS,' following up the rave livestream for his album "Vultures." This move indicates West's continued interest in expanding his influence beyond music into media and digital platforms​​.

In addition to his new media venture, West has been reported to be in a "truly great headspace," creating new music "at a rapid pace." This period of prolific output suggests that fans can expect new projects and collaborations in the near future. Moreover, West's collaboration with Ty Dolla $ign for the album "Vultures" and its promotional events showcase his ongoing contributions to the music scene​​.

Â¥$, Ye, Ty Dolla $ign - Talking / Once Again (feat. North West)

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